Many assume that small breasts can reduce the amount of breast milk. Mother does not need to worry, small breasts will not affect much or whether the amount of milk that comes out. Check out the explanation and how to increase milk production right. Prospective mothers who are pregnant for the first time may have thought about whether breast milk will quickly come out and flow profusely after delivery. For women with small breasts, concern may increase with the question whether the size of the breasts makes breast milk production less. Fortunately, this is not true. Breast milk and Small Breasts Small or large breast size has nothing to do with the amount of milk that comes out after the mother gives birth. Why? A woman's breast size is determined by genetic factors, body weight, and the amount of fat tissue in the breast. And this fat has nothing to do with the quantity of breast milk. The amount of milk produced will be determined by how many babies suckle. The more often ...